
What are Color Space, Color Sampling, 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s?

In this article, I want to explain a few topics that I’ve been planning to write about for a long time and about which I’ve received many questions. I’ll be sharing answers to common questions such as: What is 4:2:2? What is 4:2:0? What is 1.5 Gb/s? What is 3Gb/s? Let’s start with the color space, which is fundamental to these topics. RGB Color Space In the RGB color space, the color value of each pixel is stored in separate channels.

What is H265/HEVC ?

What is H265/HEVC? In today’s technology, we see tablets and mobile phones with 1920x1080p (full HD) screen resolution. As technology progresses in this way, you can imagine that large television screens will not settle for full HD technology. This is where resolutions like 2K, 4K, and 8K come into play. As you can appreciate, when resolutions increase so much, it becomes inevitable for new coding (codec) technologies to emerge and use new encodings.


When I started in television broadcasting, Tapeless Workflow was almost non-existent in our country. The market was generally dominated by Sony’s Betacam series VTRs and cameras. In this system, cameras recorded onto tapes, and VTRs read recordings from these tapes. Editing suites had numerous VTRs, and editors would enter with armfuls of tapes. Due to frequent use of tapes, generation loss would occur, desired footage couldn’t be easily found, and it led to time losses.